From a freelance electrical service provider 23 years or so ago, to today’s market leader: that’s the story in a nutshell of what Joseph and Deborah Schembri accomplished. They turned this work into a market leading enterprise of repute within the local electrical, plumbing and mechanical installations field and beyond.
Electrofix was also amongst the first few companies on the Island to realise the importance of Renewable Energy and to move into this market as well… and today are proud to be behind some of the largest installations in Malta including the island’s first solar farm.
Let us introduce you to the Electrofix Group – a company which became a major player in the local services market.
Whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint or your electricity bills, Electrofix can provide you with quality solutions and services to suit your every need. They work with world leading brands to ensure maximum reliability with renowned customer care and professional advice.
Design & Build met Debbie Schembri to talk about the company and how sheer will to succeed saw them initially working on private residences, then moving to apartment blocks and following up by larger and major projects of repute which, in turn, led to more and more important work.
D eborah Schembri explained that as their set up grew, the team grew too, their experience increased, and with it their reputation. “Our first employee, 20 years ago, is still with us today” she said, and that speaks a lot for company teamwork and expertise.
The list of requests entering the company’s doors expanded in tandem with their ever-increasing product portfolio. At the same time, the size of these projects naturally increased, resulting in the introduction of more advanced electrical and mechanical services they then implemented. “This infrastructure is today benefiting small and large jobs alike,” Ms Schembri proudly explained.
The Electrofix client list sparkled with names such as Go Mobile, Malta International Airport and many other local market leaders. “Installations of large electrical and plumbing projects have remained the backbone of our company,” said Debbie (as she prefers to be called).
And their continued development and reputation has led them to be considered Malta’s leaders in all services pertaining to installations of Electrical & Mechanical, Renewable Energy, Fuel Service Stations, and Water Technologies solutions. “This, especially, where complex projects are necessary; more so if they require a high calibre of workmanship and knowledge,” she said, citing specific major hotels, high rise buildings, schools, fuel stations and churches Electrofix recently worked for.
Renewable Energy
As one of the first companies to branch out into Renewable Energy, Electrofix have more than earned their reputation for delivering quality products and services. No project is too large or too small for their designs; “our energy efficiency solutions can be implemented from top-level industry to residential homes,” said Debbie, adding that “we select only the finest products for the projects we work on. We test the products ourselves to ensure that we are offering the most reliable and efficient power and in turn maximizing the return on your investment.”
Electrofix’s “energy efficiency solutions can be implemented from top-level industry to residential homes”
photo: a portion of the renewable energy portfolio, on display at the iconic Electrofix showroom in Qormi
Circa 15 years ago Electrofix were pioneers in the field, with the introduction of services to this new and important sector. This led to their company logo, and motto which still stands today that reflects this theme – ‘Pioneering the Future’.
“Joseph and I both believed in this and we had this clear vision that we had to branch into this new sector that we had felt was crucial for the future of our Islands,” she said. “We wanted to be the pioneers to introduce the specialised – and new – products that Malta needed but was not yet fully aware of both their need and their function,” she added.
we had decided to not take the easy way out
Obviously, this hadn’t happened in a flash but had required lots of research by their team, involving the investigation of many types of different products and trying them out unit by unit. “When we had commenced sourcing for renewable energy products, we had decided to not take the easy way out. We, in fact, discarded some leading international firms who were also well known locally through other domestic products (like TVs and refrigerators) and aimed for brands which were relatively “unknown” to Malta, but which offered much deeper and better solutions,” explained Debbie.
This added to their reputation as well and “serious buyers realised that what Electrofix wasn’t merely providing superior brands – it moreover offered a superior service coupled with a well thought out execution of the project, ensuring that their exact requirements are being thoroughly tackled.”. “Because,” Debbie quipped, “they realised that if they had a toothache, they would be better off going to see a dentist than to their family doctor!”
The brands Electrofix utilise in their installations are world-leaders in their respective fields.
photo: Pylon rack-mounted lithium battery solution for off-grid power delivery solutions, on display at the Electrofix showroom
She added that the local sector for renewable energy in Malta has since developed into quite a big market and it is still growing. The Electrofix market share has flourished alongside; especially when know-how is concerned. “We have invested in this sector and are now also offering other leading international brands which have very specific services and products for renewable energy requirements,” Debbie explained. This reflects highly on the quality of the products and services that Electrofix offers to this local sector, providing customised systems through which their customers can always benefit from a correct and cost-effective solution to what they require.
How the group comes together
“When we started, we began as front-line, hands-on workers and that’s how we still are today. That’s also how we manage to understand our employees while viewing elements from their eyes,” said Debbie. “They are our most precious assets. Without their input we might as well close down. It is futile having a good knack for business and knowing how to achieve success if you don’t have the tools to do it with,” she added.
Debbie pointed out that if your employees don’t make your vision a reality then it becomes a waste of effort all round. “The fact that our workers feel comfortable here is because we make them feel at home working with us. It doesn’t mean that we do not argue or discuss matters between us but we do it in a way that is to the benefit of the whole company so that we can continue moving forward in a more positive stance. “
Debbie added that the employees know that if the company grows and is profitable it doesn’t mean that this monetary success is destined to be enjoyed only by the shareholders. They know that they will be able to personally share additional benefits that derive directly from these profits.
As a result, Electrofix has more than earned their reputation for delivering quality products and services. No project is too large or too small for their designs and “our energy efficiency solutions can be implemented from top-level industry to residential homes,” said Debbie, adding that “we select only the finest products for the projects we work on. We test the products ourselves to ensure that we are offering the most reliable and efficient solutions and in turn maximising the return on your investment.
The commitment to quality given by Electrofix to its every installation in all the fields wherein it operates has garnered the respect of its international partners.
The structure of the Group is based on it being divided into separate companies, rather than divisions, for their different services. It is a very functional set up and is led by the directors themselves, who are thus assisted by three heads: the CFO, the COO, and the Chief of Business Development. All are relatively young people but very experienced. This structure is the underlying engine which powers the energy, business acumen and work ethic that transforms Electrofix into the efficient machine it is.
We test the products ourselves to ensure that we are offering the most reliable and efficient solutions
Joseph and Debbie are still heading the company and soon two of their children will be joining the team too as they are currently finalising their studies specialising in engineering, and in marketing. Their third son is still too young to think of his future business enterprises. Yet these siblings clearly offer the ability to consolidate the future of Electrofix into the next generation. Nonetheless, Debbie let slip that the company is already working on new projects and further company growth is expected in new areas. This will be able to give additional services to their clients which, though well-known overseas, is totally unknown locally. This will be primarily aimed at the domestic sector and for which there is a strong demand for it. This new venture is expected to be launched by late 2021.
This therefore shows their belief that what their sector has achieved till now will continue developing notwithstanding the “perceived” slowing down of the property development market. Economy-wise this won’t stop and her perception for 2020 and beyond is that it will be yet a further positive time for them.
The Group’s staff complement currently stands at 91 persons with a new gathering of personnel expected to join up in the early part of this year. Employees are split up into the different departments and specialisations, therefore some are concentrating on renewable energy solutions, others on M & E installations and yet another group working only on fuels and the related, (where they build turnkey fuel stations from A to Z, right from the plot so to speak to the installation of underground tanks and the aboveground structure required to become a fully functional station e.g. the JT station at Burmarrad, considered to be the most advanced such station on the Island at the moment).
“Here it is opportune to mention,” said Debbie, “that we also provide Fuel and Service station owners with a reliable one-stop-shop solution to help ensure that they comply with the requirements laid down by the EU.”In fact, where it comes to fuel stations, Electrofix also installs leak detection systems on site, as well as the required Intelligent Systems and Security Systems. At the same time their stations have a system whereby the fumes emitted during the filling of cars is not allowed to disperse itself and pollute the atmosphere but is drawn back into the station’s system as an additional safety measure. Equipment used (including piping etc) is doubly safe as everything is double skinned while there is also constant monitoring of the pressure between the fuel tanks to be aware of what is happening underground. All these steps are in place to avoid accidents or, worst scenario, explosions. But on a more positive note, these new types of stations are also set to be more customer friendly, and factors such as payments by credit or debit cards are greatly facilitated.
Electrofix is trusted by Malta’s fuel service stations to help them qualify at EU level standard, to install ultra-safe and efficient fuel station infrastructures in record time.
photo: setup under Electrofix’s watch, the JF Attard Service Station in Gozo boasts of a state-of-the-art fuel station infrastructure.
Debbie continued to explain that each department of the Electrofix Group has its own specialised engineers and designers together with licensed workers for this kind of work. Staff is meticulously selected and most engineers employed have been handpicked from overseas; possibly being the most experienced in Malta and Gozo in this field.
“This is borne by the fact that overseas suppliers will not send us the orders unless they know we have the qualified staff to handle them. For example, if we are importing double skin piping because of their safety components, the suppliers will not authorise the delivery unless they know we have the right staff to handle them. Our competitors would probably bring technicians from overseas to do the installation job but then might not have the required back-up if something were to suddenly go wrong, even more so if – as is wont to happen – in the middle of the night. Even a small thing, such as the jamming of a client’s credit card while buying fuel at night time – which will block the vending machine and mean loss of business till it is fixed – will be handled by us probably within the hour,” she proudly exclaimed.
we also provide Fuel and Service station owners with a reliable one-stop-shop solution
Debbie added that for clients’ further peace of mind, “We are also ISO 9001 certified and this ISO certification covers us for all mechanical and electrical services, for our fuel involvements and also for our renewable energy works. Additionally, our works in the sectors of health and safety and the environment are also certified by other ISO certifications, the 14000 to minimise how our operations negatively affect the environment and to ensure compliance with environmentally oriented laws and regulations; and the 45001 to improve employee safety and reduce risks on the job. This obviously reflects on the company’s calibre of service which benefits also its customers in the long run. Debbie stressed “We don’t cut corners in our work.”
Debbie explained that her positiveness is based on the knowledge that the perception of their company value to their customers is very high indeed. Although they are in a very competitive market, and their client services involve very experienced employees who include a number of overseas experts of a high calibre, yet their prices are highly competitive as well, and compare very well with those of their competitors.
photo: Medserv’s solar farm in Birzebbuga, proudly installed by Electrofix, is Malta’s largest yet solar farm and can sustain up to 800 households’ energy requirements.
One has to keep in mind, she underlined, that their employees are hand chosen to be able to offer the highest level of expertise in the given sector and if it wasn’t like that, they wouldn’t be employed by them in the first place. “But what the client gets from us cannot be compared to what our competitors offer, and our service packages are by far superior to anyone else’s on the local market,” she added. “Our company is made up of professionals, so when a client comes to Electrofix to discuss a project they know that the company has the proven ability and experience to find the best solution for them.