an interview with Ivan Cassar; Malta’s franchisee of Aeris Environmental Ltd and CEO for Europe
When is a cleaning agent not a detergent? When it is Aeris.
Design & Build was interviewing Ivan Cassar who, as Malta’s franchisee of Aeris Environmental Ltd and CEO for Europe of the company, specialises in cleaning AC units without using detergents.
He explains how Aeris uses an enzyme based solution to give us an environmentally safe product which is spectacularly efficient in eliminating bacteria, even assisting the world against the dreaded Covid.
Operating a franchise from Down Under may seem to be a long shot to many. Not to Ivan Cassar, however, who heads Aeris Environmental Ltd. This family concern has been up and running for the past 5 years and, as in all successful businesses, it builds on the skills and experiences of the past. Mr Cassar said that the move to Aeris was a natural one. “We started out as an air conditioning company then we started emphasising on servicing and that is how we came upon Aeris which is a product which will sanitise and clean air conditioning units from bacteria,” said Mr Cassar.
From Desert to Monsoon Testing
Ivan Cassar said that being Australian, the Aeris Franchise means that the testing is mainly done in Asian countries. The climate in these countries is more humid than that of Malta. This means that the air condi- tioning cleaning product is tested in climates which are more extreme than ours, desert dryness in Australia and high humidity of the monsoon in Asia. Such products are therefore extremely suitable for Malta’s climate.
being Australian, the Aeris Franchise means that the testing is mainly done in Asian countries. The climate in these countries is more humid than that of Malta.
“One of the major advantages which we have with these products is the fact that they are tested in climates which require 12 months of cooling. This compares well with the local requirements where we use about 6-7 months of cooling annually,” said Ivan Cassar. This is a way of making sure that the AC cleaners work in an environmentally friendly manner against the proliferation of bacteria.
Starvation not bleach
One of the main problems which cleaning products face is that the cleaning agents used must not corrode the elements of the unit. This is one of the main advantages of Aeris since it does not harm the metal parts of the AC
Ivan Cassar explained that Aeris had originally started using particular enzymes in the process of cleaning surgical instruments. Enzymes are proteins that act as biological change agents which accelerate chemical reactions. This technology was then applied to the air conditioning business. “One of the main problems which cleaning products face is that the cleaning agents used must not corrode the elements of the unit. This is one of the main advantages of Aeris since it does not harm the metal parts of the AC. This is why Aeris has become so important,” said Ivan Cassar. He added that the cleaning materials are pH neutral, therefore non-corrosive and do not harm metal surfaces at all. “We use reverse technology, which is very, very important,” said Cassar, adding that the Aeris product even removes biofilm from the AC without harming the product.
There is no company in the world which provides this level of service
He said that instead of using aggressive cleaning products which include bleach, Aeris products aim to eliminate the biofilm, which is basically the food supply of the bacteria. So, emphasised Cassar, this is absolutely not a bleach because it does not eliminate the bacteria that way, it just starves them out. “Our mother company is still very active since it produces cleaning products for companies such as Johnson & Johnson and 3M for the cleaning of surgical instruments. The same technology is used in this case,” said Ivan Cassar.
But, one may argue, why should anti-bacterial products be used if there are other products on the market? Ivan Cassar smiled. He said that during the pandemic, a major cause for concern had been transmission through the ACs. He continued explaining that the AC unit can cause cross contamination, similar to what happens when one touches, say, a common table. In this way, ACs can cause transmission of the virus. “Now the coil which is the heart of the AC captures a lot of bacteria. When the AC is cleaned, companies mainly address the filters. What they should be doing is addressing the coil of the AC to eliminate the bacteria and viruses,” said Ivan Cassar. Aeris uses specialised equipment to make sure that no harm is done to the equipment, when cleaning the coil too. Today, clean air is a priority, said Cassar and the product adds efficiency to the AC, making it more consumer friendly from an energy-saving point of view.
Ivan Cassar said that the Aeris products have an added value. He said that even if the coil is removed and cleaned through traditional bleaching agents, the effect is relatively short-lived and the process would have to be repeated a few times annually. This is time consuming and expensive for the customer, with the added issue of the equipment being out of use while the interventions are taking place.
“What we have achieved is a cleaning agent, natural enzymes in this case, which reach the coil’s depths, removing all the biofilm and which can be rinsed away in an environmentally friendly manner. We then apply a treatment on the coil, and this is our speciality. This treatment will last for 12 months. So, our coil-cleaning service will last for 12 months with an international warranty,” said Ivan Cassar.
The warranty actually includes swabbing the coil to ensure that no bacteria is detected. This swabbing is carried out after 3 months, after 8 months and after 12 months. While this requires an after-sales visit, the AC will not be switched off and the clients are assured of the cleanliness and safety of their AC units. “There is no company in the world which provides this level of service,” opined Cassar proudly.
Aeris, said Ivan Cassar, is an international company based in Australia but with outlets in SE Asia, USA and all over the world. This catchment has led to a prolific gathering of knowledge and data on bacterial behaviour from various countries and climates. He said that the way the AC units are cleaned in Europe have set a high bar.
The company prides itself on having its own staff since this ensures that their high standards are well maintained
This eye for standards is a key point for the property developer, and landlord, who cares about giving a quality product to the client. “Then there are those developers who want to make sure the AC units are functioning properly, cleanly and economically and those who, in addition, seek to ensure that the AC does not pose any health risks. These go hand in hand,” said Ivan Cassar. If AC units are not maintained, problems will undoubtedly arise.
“We clean and optimise,” clarified Cassar. He added that there are engineers who are creating systems that have a high performance co-efficient. However, all the money invested in this high performance will go to waste in as little as six months if the maintenance is not properly carried out. “Our studies, both locally and internationally, show that after the initial year three performance co-efficient of the AC unit will start falling by 3-4% every year. This is reflected in the electricity bills. Besides this, one of the major contaminants is the recycling of air and we normally spend 80% of our time inside buildings,” said Cassar. He said that the treatment given by Aeris carries a certification.
a restaurant table, cleaned with our products will remain resistant to contamination including Covid for 200 touches or 7 days
Cassar said that staff are trained and certified. The company also has an international insurance to make sure that the handling of bacteria is carried out in the correct manner. The company prides itself on having its own staff since, Cassar said, this ensures that their high standards are well maintained. Training is carried out on a monthly basis. As a basic requirement, the Aeris application methodology is taught to his staff, as well as himself. This includes not only technical identification of the various parts of the AC equipment but also identification of problems and the appropriate product solutions for those problems. “We are very proud of our customer service,” said Cassar.
Cassar cautioned that the data relating to Covid transmission through ACs is not available, in that it has not, as yet, been conclusively proven scientifically in any air-conditioning system. However, Cassar said that the filtration system which is treated by Aeris products as well as the treatment on the coil will go a long way to prevent Covid contamination as much as possible. Cassar added that the Aeris products kill Covid bacteria in less than 90 seconds and leave a residue which resists for over 200 touches. “This does not mean that Aeris products definitively prohibit Covid transmission, but they certainly go a long way in preventing it.”
One of the major challenges to AC units comes from corrosion, particularly to the external units of the AC. Cassar said that Aeris too caters for this which is proving to be the most expensive issue on a world-wide basis. He said that Aeris is a leader in corrosion control with the best methodology in the business. Again, the coil is key. The coil in the external unit, normally made of aluminium and copper, will start showing evidence of corrosion after 6 months. The treatment offered by Aeris results in a protective spray on the coil. This protects the coil for 36,000 hours, which is tantamount to protection coverage of over 4 years. Cassar said that he reckons that any other product on the market so far provides only a maximum of, at best, just over a year.
Aeris is a leader in corrosion control with the best methodology in the business
Cassar said that the technology used to protect the coils from bacteria is also being used in other areas which are liable to contamination.
The enzyme solution which starves out the bacteria is now also available for cold rooms, operating theatres and other areas where contamination can be lethal. Cassar said that Aeris provides a solution which is food safe, meaning that once wiped with the solution, food may be placed directly onto the wiped surface with the assurance on non-contamination. “So, a restaurant table, cleaned with our products will remain resistant to contamination including Covid for 200 touches or 7 days,” said Ivan Cassar.
He said that the solution is so efficient that even hospital beds and bedside tables do not need to be cleaned in between patients if these have been cleaned with Aeris products in the said time frame; indeed, they are approved by the local health authorities as well as certified by the rest of the EU. “That is how effective our product is,” Ivan emphasised proudly.